2013 Summary of New Maine Laws September 5, 2013 Update: 5 New Laws, 5 New Effective Dates, 9 Revised Summaries
As an on-going service to our clients, Pierce Atwood is pleased to provide this updated summary of selected new Maine laws enacted during the 126th Maine Legislature’s 1st Regular Session and 1st Special Session, as well as legislation carried over to next year’s 2nd Regular Session.
This updated and corrected report includes summaries of:
five bonds approved in the August 29 Special Session;
effective dates for two resolves and three public laws signed by the Governor post adjournment; and
revisions to nine summaries in the original July 17 report to incorporate omitted amendments.
The 2013 Summary of New Maine Laws & Carried Over Legislation report is provided to help you stay abreast of changes in Maine laws. You may download the report from the link above or find it anytime on the Government Relations page of our website under Publications.
As always, this report summarizes new laws and carried over bills most pertinent to our clients and is not intended to include all new laws and carried over bills. If you desire further advice or detail beyond the summary provided, please contact one of the subject matter expert attorneys designated in the report for that summary.