Under the Dome: Inside the Maine State House 5.25.12
Under the Dome: Inside the Maine State House is a weekly update that provides a high-level overview of recent activity at the Maine State House. If you would like more specific information regarding an item in this newsletter or related to government relations, please contact a member of our Government Relations Practice Group.
Legislature to Meet on May 31st
Despite the statutory adjournment date of April 18, 2012, the Second Regular Session of the 125th Legislature is still in session. Legislative leaders have scheduled May 31st as a session day. By holding a session day on the 31st, the Legislature will be able to respond to any bills vetoed by Governor LePage. The Legislature will try to complete all business for the year on the 31st and then adjourn sine die.
The Governor has not yet vetoed any of the bills that he has received but is still considering a handful of bills that are on his desk. Included among those bills are five bond proposals that in total represent roughly $96 million in borrowing. The Governor has been critical of bonds and may respond to a decision by Moody’s to lower its Maine outlook from “stable” to “negative” by vetoing these borrowing proposals. All eyes continue to be focused on the Governor’s Office as the time for him to make a decision draws near.