As federal and state requirements for compensating employees fall farther and farther behind the economic realities of today's economy, we help clients remain in compliance. Our attorneys have considerable experience defending individual and class action claims arising under the FLSA and state analogs.

Representative Experience

We successfully compelled arbitration and then defended our client against a former executive’s multi-count claims that his termination violated the Massachusetts Wage Act and breached implied contractual duties. During the arbitral hearing, our attorneys prevailed on three of the executive’s four claims and succeeded in limiting the damages on his sole successful claim to a negligible amount. We then defeated the executive’s motion asking a court to vacate the arbitrator’s decision. We also succeeded in persuading the MCAD to dismiss his age discrimination claim with a finding of no reasonable grounds.

Arbitration Success in Employment Discrimination Case

Resolved a wage and hour case before the Connecticut Department of Labor for a fraction of the initial penalty and back pay award.

Reduced Penalty in Wage and Hour Case

We convinced the Maine Department of Labor (MDOL) to reverse its finding that our client had misclassified its workers by treating them as independent contractors rather than employees. After filing an appeal of the original decision, we were able to persuade the MDOL that it did not have sufficient grounds on the facts or the law to prevail at a hearing before the Unemployment Insurance Commission.

Reversal of Finding of Misclassification of Workers