Employment Breakfast - New Challenges in Accommodating Disabilities
The ADA has been on the books for over 20 years, but the duty to provide a reasonable accommodation continues to provide challenges to employers. What impairments are considered disabilities? When is an employer on notice that a disabled employee needs an accommodation? What accommodations are reasonable? How should an employer document its participation in an interactive dialogue? When is it safe to terminate an underperforming employee who has requested accommodations? Adding to the complexities are changes in the ADA itself (2008), changes in regulations (2010), evolving case law, and advances in medical science and technology.
On October 13, attendees joined Meg LePage and Katy Rand for our first Employment Breakfast Series Program of the 2011-2012 "school" year, and the first at our new offices at Merrill's Wharf on the Portland Waterfront!