Transmission Line Development in the Northeast
Jul 15: 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM
Program Description
On Thursday, July 15, Pierce Atwood LLP and Daymark Energy Advisors led a virtual discussion on transmission line development in the Northeast. Doug Smith, Principal Consultant and Treasurer, from Daymark Energy Advisors kicked off the program with a look at the increasing development opportunities in the region. Pierce Atwood energy partner, Jared des Rosiers, covered considerations for developing a competitive and viable transmission project and Pierce Atwood environmental partner, Lisa Gilbreath, went over the environmental permitting issues and challenges facing developers.
Webinar Topics
Today’s Increasing Transmission Development Opportunities and Ways to Successfully Pursue Them
- Key drivers of transmission development and their rapid evolution
- Challenges and importance of evaluating benefits when promoting transmission projects
- No “one size fits all” approach from stakeholders
- Recent examples illustrating the opportunities and challenges
Considerations for Developing a Competitive and Viable Transmission Project
- Cost/Investment Recovery - how to pay for the project
- Siting Approval - weighing the impacts and benefits to demonstrate the “Public Need”
- Addressing Opposition – finding solutions that don’t break the bank or blow-up the schedule
- Public Outreach - Approaches to influence decision-makers and garner political and public support in an “alternative facts” world
Environmental Permitting Issues and Challenges
- Key state permitting considerations and outreach
- Federal agency coordination
- Recent NEPA challenges, changes, and what may be coming down the pike
If you have any questions, please contact Abigail Dyer.