WEBINAR - Bringing Back Your Workforce: Who Says It’s Safe, and Other Return-to-Work Barriers
As the wave of reopening continues, employers are asking those who have been on unemployment, a leave of absence, or both to return to work. The barriers to restoring workers are as numerous as they are varied. Some employees are concerned that the employer is not doing enough to make the workplace safe. Others have medical conditions that they believe make them more vulnerable to COVID-19, or a close family member with such a condition or child care demands that interfere with their ability to work outside the home, or at all. These and countless other situations require an individualized analysis, an understanding of the regulatory landscape, and consideration of the business and practical implications of providing flexibility even when it is not required.
On June 24, Katy Rand and retired partner Charlie Einsiedler discussed the overarching legal principles in play and tackled a number of specific scenarios, to help you understand how your business must or should respond when employees are unable or unwilling to return to the workplace.
Event Materials
Click here for a complete list of updates and a directory of Pierce Atwood COVID-19 attorneys who are knowledgeable on the various questions and challenges you may be confronting.
We will continue to add information about specific topics so check back when you can.
Please contact your principal attorney at Pierce Atwood or one of the attorneys in the directory for immediate assistance.