Successful Challenge to Project Labor Agreement

On behalf of trade associations representing merit shop (non-union) contractors, and some of their member companies, Pierce Atwood filed suit in Hampden County Superior Court to enjoin the imposition of a union-only Project Labor Agreement (PLA) on the construction of the West Parish Filters Water Treatment Plant, a $250 million project, by the Springfield (Mass.) Water and Sewer Commission. The local building trades council intervened in opposition to his motion. After oral argument, in a strong and clear decision, the Court granted the requested injunction preventing the Commission from imposing a PLA.

While Pierce Atwood construction and litigation partner Chris Whitney represents both signatory (union) and merit shop (non-union) construction contractors, for more than 20 years Chris has represented the merit shop side of the construction industry in opposing efforts of the construction building trades unions to restrict the right of merit shop contractors to compete for public construction projects in Massachusetts and Rhode Island through the imposition of union-only PLAs.