ACC Northeast and Pierce Atwood Present Interactive Harassment and Discrimination CLE Webinar

Pierce Atwood is partnering with the Association of Corporate Counsel Northeast (ACC Northeast) to provide Maine CLE programming tailored for in-house counsel. Our first program of the year will be held virtually on Wednesday, March 6 from 12:00 pm to 1:30 pm. This program is pending approval to fulfill the Maine H&D CLE requirement. 

Please join Suzanne King and Katy Rand of Pierce Atwood for an interactive virtual presentation regarding harassment and discrimination in the workplace, specifically tailored to the role of in-house counsel.

This webinar will assume that participants have been to sexual harassment training before and can recognize unwelcome harassment when they see it or hear about it, even if they have not memorized the elements of a hostile work environment.

As a follow up to last year's program, this webinar will mainly focus on emerging and more nuanced or complicated discrimination and harassment issues, including but not limited to stereotyping and the importance (and evolution) of language. We will spend at least half of the session reviewing and discussing hypothetical, but real-world scenarios designed to open participants' eyes to different perspectives, which is a critical component of discrimination avoidance.

Please visit ACC Northeast for more information and registration instructions.

The Association of Corporate Counsel is a global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel who work for corporations, associations, and other organizations through information, education, networking, and advocacy.