ACC Northeast and Pierce Atwood Present Three Things Every In-House Counsel Should Know About...

Pierce Atwood is partnering with the Association of Corporate Counsel Northeast (ACC Northeast) to provide Maine CLE programming tailored for in-house counsel. Our second program of the year is Tuesday, May 2 from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm and it has been pre-approved for general Maine CLE credit. There will be a networking reception immediately following the program. We hope to see you there!

As in-house counsel, you are expected to stay on top of myriad legal issues. Pierce Atwood and ACC-Northeast are pleased to present our next Maine program that will inform you of the top three things you need to be on top of in these areas of critical importance: privacy and data security, employment law, intellectual property rights, and litigation and disputes. A panel of four Pierce Atwood attorneys and moderator Kelly Whetstone, Deputy General Counsel at ACA Group, will cover these topics, and then we want to answer your questions. We want this to be informative and interactive, so please come prepared to fire away!

Three Things Every In-House Counsel Should Know About...
  • Privacy and data security with Vivek Rao
  • Employment law with Katie Porter
  • Intellectual property rights with Michael Hernandez
  • Litigation and disputes

Please join us on Tuesday, May 2, for this interactive program beginning at 5:00 pm. The program will be pre-approved for Maine continuing legal education credits, and a happy hour will follow. 

Please visit ACC Northeast for more information and registration instructions.

The Association of Corporate Counsel is a global legal association that promotes the common professional and business interests of in-house counsel who work for corporations, associations, and other organizations through information, education, networking, and advocacy.