Firm Presents Nepal Fundraiser Gift to Gorkhaly Foundation
In light of the firm’s recent successful fundraiser to help rebuild the micro-hydropower plant in Barpak that was destroyed by this year’s earthquake in Nepal, Julia Weller presented a check to Neeraj P. Gorkhaly, a founder of the Gorkhaly Foundation. The foundation is currently focused on rebuilding Barpak.
Gorkhaly is also an associate program officer on the Physics and Astronomy and National Materials and Manufacturing Boards of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.
Also in attendance was Bir Bahadar Ghale, the Nepalese developer who originally built the hydropower plant, and who has been a driving force behind the fundraising efforts to rebuild it.
(l to r) Neeraj Gorkhaly, Julia Weller, Indra Debi Ghale, Bir Bahadar Ghale
This presentation took place at the offices of Winrock International, a nonprofit organization that works with people in the United States and around the world to empower the disadvantaged, increase economic opportunity, and sustain natural resources.
To the left of Julia Weller is Bikash Pandey, a Nepalese national who works for Winrock. Bikash introduced Julia to the Gorkhaly Foundation and the America Nepal Medical Foundation, an organization that will be receiving a firm fundraising gift at a later event.