Kathleen Heyer Quoted in USA Today: 'The Civil Rights Issue of Our Generation'? A Battle Over Housing Erupts in Massachusetts

The Real Estate Bar Association for Massachusetts recently weighed in after the SJC solicited input concerning the interpretation of the MBTA Communities Act (G.L. c. 40A, § 3A). The Attorney General has filed suit against the Town of Milton, which has declined to comply with the statute.

Pierce Atwood associate Kathleen Heyer participated in drafting REBA's amicus curiae brief in support of the Commonwealth's effort to enforce and ensure compliance with the MBTA Communities Act. REBA’s brief takes the position that compliance with the MBTA Communities Act is mandatory, and that, for legal and practical reasons, the Attorney General is authorized to bring suit to compel compliance. Oral argument is scheduled for October 7, 2024.

Kathleen was recently quoted in USA Today’s coverage of the case.