Pierce Atwood Hosts Power Marketing Challenges & Opportunities Seminar
FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur Gives Keynote Address
Pierce Atwood LLP hosted a Power Marketing Challenges and Opportunities seminar at its DC offices on Tuesday, January 24. The program focused on the primary issues and opportunities affecting power marketing companies that trade in Independent System Operator (ISO) managed electricity markets throughout the U.S. The seminar looked at new ISO risk management and verification requirements, virtual, FTR and Up To congestion trading issues, revised collateral requirements, and more effective communication with ISOs and the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC). Another central theme was business structure and capital raising considerations. Further, the program reviewed proposed new CFTC regulations, as well as other topics of interest to wholesale power marketers such as market resettlements and Order 741 compliance.
Pierce Atwood was honored to have FERC Commissioner Cheryl LaFleur as the keynote speaker at the seminar, and several senior FERC Staff and Commissioner Advisors also provided guidance on FERC policies and procedures. Additional speakers represented federal regulators, leaders from a broad spectrum of the power marketing sector, as well as noted electric industry attorneys from Pierce Atwood. Presentations were made by a number of Pierce Atwood attorneys, including seminar organizer Carol A. Smoots, who spoke on a variety of ISO and FERC issues. Janice R. Moore addressed CFTC issues, Scott Pueschel and John Gulliver covered a broad range of business issues, and Randy Rich joined a FERC panel to discuss federal regulatory considerations.