Pierce Atwood Represents ZedX in its Acquisition by BASF

To help strengthen its digital farming division, BASF has recently acquired firm client ZedX. For 30 years, ZedX has built advanced knowledge systems and IT tools to help provide sustainably grown food for the world’s rapidly growing population, offering innovative and custom solutions for growers, consultants, universities, government, and industry.

BASF, through its Crop Protection division, works with farmers, agricultural professionals, pest management experts, and others to help develop and maintain sustainable agriculture and health environments.

Former Pierce Atwood partner Tim Maguire led a team of firm attorneys in assisting ZedX in this acquisition. Joining Tim were Andrea Suter, a counsel in the firm’s Business group, tax law partner Rob Ravenelle, IP and licensing partner Matthew Stein, former privacy law partner Peter Guffin, benefits counsel David Coolidge, who assisted with ERISA issues, as well as firm paralegals.

Click here to learn more about this recent BASF and ZedX transaction.