Pierce Atwood's Successful Fundraising Campaign for Nepal Earthquake Survivors
Under the leadership of firm energy attorney Julia Weller and paralegal Sandy Stenquist, Pierce Atwood raised nearly $3000 to assist victims of the Nepal earthquake. These funds will be donated to the Gorkhaly Foundation, which is working to rebuild the micro-hydro plant in Barpak, the quake’s epicenter, and the American Nepal Medical Foundation, one of the first organizations to respond when the earthquake hit, and that is still on the ground in Nepal.
Young artists in the Pierce Atwood family decorated collection canisters’ that were placed in each of the firm’s seven offices. We then held firmwide denim days throughout September, where each employee who wore denim donated $3 to the campaign.
Our fundraising efforts culminated in a firmwide lunchtime video conference featuring Julia Weller, who spoke on the impact that reliable and safe electricity has in emerging markets, as well as a discussion with a Phippsburg (Maine) doctor and his wife who have worked extensively delivering medical care in crisis-stricken countries—most recently in Africa dealing with the Ebola outbreak.
In April 2015, the Nepal earthquake killed more than 9,000 people and injured more than 23,000.The epicenter of the earthquake was a village called Barpak, where most of its 1,200 homes, all of its businesses, schools, medical clinics, and its 130 kW micro-hydro power plant suffered extensive damage.
Before the earthquake, Barpak had thriving businesses, including agro-processing mills, saw mills, a bakery, and shops. Its prosperity was made possible largely because of the micro-hydro plant that provided 24-hour electricity.
Please contact Gorkhaly Foundation or American Nepal Medical Foundation for more information and to learn how you can help support those affected by these tragic events.