St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island Retirement Plan

(Case No.: PC-2017-3856)

filed documents associated with matter:

1.  Petition for Appointment of Receiver

2.  Order Appointing Temporary Receiver

3.  Petition to Substitute Exhibit to Petition

4.  Notice of Temporary Order 08.31.17

5.  Order Clarifying Stay in Connection with Applications for Benefits 09.01.17

6.  Order Expansion of Powers 09.13.17

7.  Hearing Transcript 09.08.17

8. Notice of October 2, 2017 Meeting

9.  Motion to Stay Filed on Behalf of 12 Plan Participants by Attorneys Arlene Violet and Robert     Senville

10.  Emergency Petition to Engage Special Legal Counsel

11.  Receiver's Petition for Instruction Regarding Service on BoA and Plan Admin

12.  Order Approving Receiver's Petition for Instruction

13.  Order Approving Receiver's Petition to Hire Legal Counsel

14.  Receiver’s Petition for Instruction Regarding Designation of Pension Plan Participant Groups and Formation of Advisory Committees

15.  Order Appointing Permanent Receiver 

16.  Notice of November 7, 2017 Meeting

17.  Hearing Transcript October 11, 2017

18.  Hearing Transcript October 27, 2017

19.  Subpoena Served Upon St. Joseph Health Services of RI

20.  Response of RI Attorney General to Subpoena Served Upon St. Joseph Health Services of RI

21. Notice of November 20, 2017 Hearing

22. Subpoena served upon Office of the RI Attorney General

23. Subpoena served upon Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence

24. St. Joseph Health Services of RI's Response to Subpoena

25. St. Joseph Health Services  of RI's First Supplemental Response to Subpoena

26. Receiver's First Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees, Costs 

27. Notice of December 4, 2017 Meeting

28. Notice of Appointment of Permanent Receiver with Order and Proof of Claim Form

29. Notice of Committees with Survey

30. Frequently Asked Questions

31. Rhode Island Department of Attorney General's Partial Objection to Subpoena

32. Motion to Overrule RI Attorney General's Partial Objection to Subpoena and Motion to Compel 

33. Memo in Support of Motion to Overrule Attorney General's Partial Objection to Subpoena

34. Motion to Overrule Bishop of Providence's Objection to Subpoena and Motion to Compel 

35. Memo in Support of Motion to Overrule Bishop of Providence's Objection to Subpoena

36. Attorney General's Objection to Motion to Overrule-Motion to Compel

37. Memorandum in Support of Attorney General's Objection to Motion to Overrule-Motion to Compel

38. Order Approving Receiver's First Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

39. Second Subpoena issued to SJHSRI 

40. Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence's Objection to Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena

41. Roman Catholic Bishop of Providence's Memo in Support of Objection to Motion to Compel Compliance with Subpoena

42. Attorney General's Status Report of December 5, 2017

43. Subpoena Issued to Prospect CharterCareLLC

44. Hearing Transcript November 20, 2017

45. Status Update Concerning the Bishop of Providence's Response to Subpoena

46. Attorney General's Second Status Report regarding Response to Subpoena

47. Attorney General's Supplement to Second Status Report

48. Attorney General's Motion to Establish a Procedure for Inadvertent Disclosure of Documents

49. Hearing Transcript November 29, 2017

50. Hearing Transcript December 5, 2017

51. Objection to Attorney General's Motion and Cross Motion to Set Deadlines

52. Memorandum in Support of Objection to Attorney General's Motion and Cross Motion to Set Deadlines

53. Prospect CharterCare's Motion to Intervene

54. Order in connection with Motion to Compel Attorney General

55. Order regarding Attorney General's production of documents and confidentiality 

56. Bishop of Providence's Second Status Update

57. Attorney General's Third Status Report

58. Motion to Compel Documents from SJHSRI and for Monetary Sanctions

59. Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Documents from SJHSRI

60. Notice of Committee Members

61. Attorney General's Fourth Status Report

62. Roman Catholic Bishop's Status Update

63. Attorney General's Fifth Status Report

64. Roman Catholic Bishop's Status Update

65. SJHSRI Objection and Memorandum in Support to Spec Counsel Motion to Compel and Monetary Sanctions

66. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - Motion to Compel St. Joseph

67.  Respondents Reply Memo ISO Motion to Compel Documents for Monetary Sanctions 01.03.18

68.  Affidavit of Service of Subpoena Upon Bank of America 01.03.18

69.  SJHSRI Supplement to Objection to Motion to Compel and Monetary Sanctions 01.04.18

70.  Order - AG's Motion for Claw Back and Cross Motion 12.19.17

71.  Attorney General's Memo re Privileges 12.19.17

72.  Hearing Transcript 12.18.17

73.  Order - Prospect's Motion to Intervene & for Protective Order 12.19.17

74.  Hearing Transcript - 01.05.18

75.  Attorney General's Sixth Status Report 01.09.18

76.  Bishop of Providence's Status Update 01.10.18

77.  Stipulation & Order for Protection of Confidemtial Info - Wistow and Bishop (entered) 

78.  Janaury 10, 2018 Note regarding Formation of Groups

79.  Notice of January 29, 2018 Meeting

80.  Joint Motion for Entry of Protective Order

81.  List of Advisory Committee Members

82.  Bishop of Providence's Status Report regarding Responses to Subpoena 01.16.18

83.  Attorney General's Seventh Status Report

84.  Attorney General's Motion for Extension of Time to Respond to Requests 1 and 3 of Subpoena and Memo in Support Thereof

85.  Subpoena - CharterCare Community Board

86.  SJHSRI Third Supplemental Response to Subpoena

87.  Attorney General's Supplement to 7th Status Report in Response to Subpoena

88.  Attorney General's Eighth Status Report 01.23.18

89.  Subpoena Served Upon Adler Pollock & Sheehan

90.  Subpoena Served Upon Ferrucci Russo PC

91. Attorney General's Ninth Status Report 01.31.18

92. Subpoena issued to CharterCARE Foundation

93. Stipulation regarding Adler Pollock & Sheehan's response to Subpoena

94. SJHSRI Fourth Supplemental Response to Subpoena

95. Subpoena to The Rhode Island Community Foundation

96. SJHSRI Fifth Supplemental Response to Subpoena

97. Notice of March 5 2018 Meeting

98.  Notice of Hearing -Recommendation March 2 2018 hearing

99.  St. Joseph Receiver Recommendation re Modifications and Stay of Applications 02.21.18

100. Stipulation regarding RI Foundation's Response to Subpoena

101. Stipulation between  SJHSRI, Prospect and  Receiver regarding Response to Subpoenas

102. Protective Order - Receiver and SJHSRI

103. Notice of Withholding Tax Change

104. Notice of Hearing - Receiver's Second Interim Report

105. Receiver's Second Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

106. Notice of Hearing - Recommendation March 29 2018 hearing 

107. Stipulation between CharterCare Foundation and Special Counsel regarding response to Subpoena. 

108. Notice of April 23 2018 Meeting

109. Subpoena to Rhode Island Department of Health

110. SJHSRI Sixth Supplemental Response to Subpoena

111. CharterCare Community Board's First Supplemental Response to Subpoena

112. Order Approving Second Interim Report

113. Order Approving Receiver's Recommendation re Modifications & Stay

114. Notice of Outcome of March 29 2018 Hearings

115. Subpoena issued to Prospect Medical Holdings

116. Update to Frequently Asked Questions and Answers 04.10.18

117. Hearing Transcript - 03.29.18

118. Notice of Withholding Tax Changes 04.12.18

119. Amended Order Approving Receiver's  Recommendation

120. Notice of Withholding Tax Changes 04.25.18

121. SJHSRI Seventh Supplemental Response to Subpoena

122. CharterCare Community Board's Second Supplemental Response to Subpoena

123. Stipulated Protective Order Regarding Prospective Medical Holdings Inc.

124. Notice of Withholding Tax Changes 05.11.18

125. Prospect CharterCare's Responses and Objections to Subpoena 05.11.18

126. Notice of June 4, 2018 Meeting

127. Receiver's Third Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees Costs and Expenses

128. Notice of Hearing - 3rd Interim Report

129. Motion to Compel Documents from RI Department of Health

130. Memorandum in Support of Motion to Compel Documents from RI Department of Health

131. Rhode Island Department of Health Response to Subpoena, Request for Protective Order and Priviledge Log

132. Order Approving Receiver's Third Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

133. Order regarding Motion to Compel DoH and deliberative process privilege

134. Hearing Transcript May 31, 2018 - Morning Session

135. Hearing Transcript May 31, 2018 - Afternoon Session

136. Order Authorizing Publishing Complaints on the Website

137. Notice of Hearing of Fourth Interim Report

138. Notice of July 16, 2018 Meeting

139. Receiver's Fourth Interim Report 06.27.18

140. Order Approving Receiver's Fourth Interim Report 06.28.18

141. Notice of Hearing - Fifth Interim Report

142. Receiver's Fifth Interim Report & Fourth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs & Expenses 07.17.18

143. Hearing Transcript May 24, 2018 07.23.18

144. Order Granting Receiver's Request to Further Delay Recommendation on Modification to Benefit Payments 07.24.18

145. Order Approving Receiver's Fifth Interim Report and Fourth Interim Request for Approval 07.26.18

146. Notice of August 20, 2018 Meeting

147. Hearing Transcript July 26, 2018

148. Receiver's Motion to Lift Confidentiality as to Document Filed Under Seal 08.22.18

149. Receiver's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Lift Confidentiality as to Document Filed Under Seal 08.22.18

150. Notice of October 1, 2018 Meeting

151. Stipulation and Consent Order regarding Prospect's response to Subpoena 08.28.18

152. Attorney General's Response to Receiver's Motion to Lift Confidentiality 08.31.18

153. CharterCARE Foundation's Response to Motion to Lift Confidentiality 09.04.18

154. Prospect Entities' Response to Receiver's Motion to Lift Confidentiality 09.04.18

155. Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.05.18

156. CharterCare Foundation's Objection to Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.05.18

157. Notice of Hearing - Petition for Settlement Instruction

158. Receiver's Objection to CharterCare Foundation's Emergency Motion to Postpone Hearing on Settlement Petition 09.06.18

159. Receiver's Memorandum in Support of Objection to CharterCare Foundations Emergency Motion to Postpone Hearing 09.06.18

160. Prospect Entities' Joint Motion For Continuance of Hearing on Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.07.18

161. Attorney General's Joinder to CharterCare Foundation's Emergency Motion 09.07.18

162. Notice of Continued Hearing - Petition for Settlement Instructions

163. Notice of Hearing - 6th Interim Report and 5th Request for Fees

164. Order - Granting Receiver Motion to Lift Confidentiality (091718)

165. Receiver's Sixth Interim Report and Fifth Request for Approval of Fees 09.18.18

166. Hearing Transcript September 6, 2018

167. Hearing Transcript September 7, 2018

168. Order Approving Receiver's Sixth Interim Report

169. Attorney Kasle's Motion in Support of Proposed Settlement 09.26.18

170. Attorney Violet and Senville's Motion in Support of Proposed Settlement 9.27.18

171. CharterCare Foundation's Objection to Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.27.18

172. AG's Response to the Receiver's Petition for Instructions 09.27.18

173. Prospect Entities' Joint Objection to Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.27.18

174. Prospect Entities' Memo in Support of Objection to Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.27.18

175. CharterCare Foundation's Corrected Objection to Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 09.28.18

176. Hearing Transcript 09.25.18

177. AG's Reply to Certain Parties' Objections to Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 10.05.18

178. Receiver's Reply to Objections to Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions 10.05.18

179. Receiver's Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCARE LLC in Contempt of Court 10.05.18

180. Receiver's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Adjudge Prospect Chartercare LLC in Contempt 10.05.18

181. Hearing Transcript - 10.10.18

182. Notice of Hearing - Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt of Court

183. Notice of October 29, 2018 Meeting

184. Prospect CharterCare's Objection to Motion to Adjudge in Contempt of Court 10.22.18

185. Prospect CharterCare's Memo in Support of Objection to Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt of Court 10.22.18

186. Attorney Callaci's Motion in Support of Petition for Settlement Instruction 09.28.18

187. Prospect Entities' Joint Motion to Instruct Receiver to Cease Efforts to Proceed with Proposed Settlement Agreement 10.23.18

188. Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt for Willful Failure to Comply with Subpoena and Deliberate Interference with Receiver's Collection of Assets of Receivership Estate 10.23.18

189. Memo in Support of Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt for Willful Failure to Comply with Subpoena and Deliberate Interference 10.23.18

190. Notice of Hearing - Second Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt 10.23.18

191. Reply Memo in Support of Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt 10.23.18

192. AG's Motion to Strike Portion of Receiver's Reply to Objections to Petition for Settlement Instructions 10.24.18

193. AG's Memo in Support of Motion to Strike Portion of Receiver's Reply to Objections to Petition 10.24.18

194. Hearing Transcript - 10.25.18

195. Decision - Motion to Approve Settlement (SJHSRI RW CCCB) 10.29.18

196. Notice of Hearing - AG's Motion to Strike

197. Prospect's Objection to Motion to Adjudge in Contempt for Failure to Comply with Subpoena 10.30.18

198. Prospect's Memo in Support of Objection to Motion to Adjudge in Contempt for Failure to Comply with Subpoena 10.30.18

199. Receiver's Objection to AG's Motion to Strike 10.31.18

200. Receiver's Memo in Support of Objection to AG's Motion to Strike 10.31.18

201. Receiver's Reply Memo to Prospect's Objection to Receiver's Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare, LLC 11.01.18

202. AG's Reply Memorandum in Support of Motion to Strike Portions of the Receiver's Reply 11.01.18

203. Proposed Order Regarding Petition for Settlement Instructions 11.02.18

204. Prospect's Objection to Proposed Order Regarding Petition for Settlement Instructions 11.02.18

205. Prospect CharterCare's Supplemental Submission in Support of Objection to Receiver's Motion 11.02.18

206. Receiver's Response to Prospect CharterCare's Supplemental Submission re Receiver's Motion to Adjudge it in Contempt 11.05.18

207. Order in Connection with Motion to Adjudge Prospect CharterCare in Contempt for Willful Failure to Comply with Subpoena and Deliberate Interference with Receiver's Collection of Assets of the Receivership Estate 11.09.18

208. Decision - Motion to to Adjudge Prospect in Contempt 11.14.18

209. Notice of Hearing - 7th Interim Report and 6th Request for Fees

210. Notice of December 10, 2018 Meeting

211. Order Granting Petition for Settlement Instructions with SJHSRI, CCCB and Roger Williams Hospital 11.16.18

212. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - 7th Interim Report

213. Petition for Settlement Approval (CCF & RIF) 11.28.18

214. Notice of Hearing - Petition for Settlement Approval (CCF & RIF)

215. Order - Motion to Adjudge Prospect in Contempt - withdrawal of Declaratory Relief 12.03.18

216. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Hearing Petition for Settlement Approval and Seventh Interim Report

217. Receiver's Seventh Interim Report and Sixth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

218. Attorney Violet's Motion in Support of Proposed Settlement with CCF and RI Community Foundation 12.10.18

219. Hearing Transcript - 11.02.18

220. Order - 7th Interim Report and 6th Interim Fees (entered) 12.14.18

221. Hearing Transcript - 12.14.18

222. Prospect Entities' Notice of Intent to Sue CCCB or in Alternative Motion for Relief from Injunctive Provisions 01.02.19

223. Prospect Entities' Memo in Support of Notice of Intent to Sue CCCB or in Alternative Motion for Relief from Injunctive Provisions 01.02.19

224. Order - granting CCF Settlement Petition 12.27.18

225. Notice of Hearing - Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief from Injunctive Provisions of Permanent Receivership Order

226. Notice of February 11, 2019 Meeting

227. Notice of Hearing - 8th Interim Report and 7th Request for Fees

228. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief from Injunctive Provisions of the Permanent Receivership Order

229. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief II

230. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief III

231. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled 8th Interim Report and 7th Request for Fees

232. Receiver's Eighth Interim Report 02.19.19

233. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief IV

234. Receiver's Objection to Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Alternatively Motion for Relief From Stay 03.11.19

235. Receiver's Memo in Support of Obj to Prospect's Noticeof Intent to Sue or for Relief From Stay 03.11.19

236. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief V

237. Notice of April 8, 2019 Meeting

238. Notice of Hearing - 9th Interim Report and 8th Request for Fees

239. Notice of Hearing - Rescheduled Prospect's Notice of Intent to Sue or Motion for Relief VI

240. Prospect Entities' Reply to Receiver's Objection to Notice of Intent to Sue and Motion for Leave 04.29.19

241. Receiver's Sur-Reply to Prospect Entities' Notice of Intent to Sue or for Relief From Stay 05.01.19

242. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - 9th Interim Report and 8th Request for Fees Rescheduled to May 15, 2019

243. Ninth Interim Report and Eighth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses 05.06.19

244. Notice of May 22, 2019 Meeting

245. Hearing Transcript - 05.02.19

246. Order - 9th Interim Report and 8th Interim Fees (entered)

247. Hearing Transcript - 05.15.19

248. Notice of Hearing - 10th Interim Report and 9th Request for Fees

249. Decision on Prospect Entities' Notice of Intent to Sue, or Alternatively, for Relief From Stay 06.26.19

250. Notice of August 5, 2019 Meeting

251. Notice of Continued Hearing - 10th Interim Report and 9th Request for Fees

252. Order Approving Receiver's Eighth Interim Report  and Seventh Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

253. Joint Motion for Authorization to Exercise the Put Option and/or Direct Its Exercise

254. Memorandum in Support of Joint Motion for Authorization to Exercise the Put Option and/or Direct Its Exercise

255. Notice of Hearing - 10th Interim Report and 9th Request for Fees Continued 09.13.19

256. Notice of September 23, 2019 Meeting

257. Prospect Entities' Objection to Motion for Authorization to Exercise the Put Option and/or Direct Its Exercise 08.30.19

258. Receiver's Tenth Interim Report and Ninth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses

259. Receiver's Reply Memo to Prospect's Objection to Joint Motion to Authorize Exercise Put Option

260. Affidavit of S. Sheehan - Support of Receiver's Reply to Prospect's Objection to Joint Motion to Authorize Exercise Put

261. Prospect's Objection to Ninth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs, and Expenses

262. Receiver's Reply to Prospect Entities' Objection to Ninth Interim Request for Fees, Costs and Expenses

263. Order Approving Receiver’s Tenth Interim Report and Ninth Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses 09.13.2019

264. Notice of Hearing - Bench Decision on Motion to Exercise Put Option 10.1.19

265. Notice of Hearing - 11th Interim Report and 10th Request for Fees 11.21.19

266. Hearing Transcript 10.01.19

267. Notice of Hearing Joint Motion to Modify Cy Pres Order, Vacate Order & Enter Final Judgment 10.15.19

268. Notice of November 4, 2019 Meeting

269. Receiver's 11th Interim Report & 10th Request for Approval of Fees 11.21.19

270. St Joseph Order Approving Receiver's Eleventh Interim Report 11.21.19

271. St Joseph Notice of Hearing - 12th Interim Report and 11th Request for Fees 1.28.20

272. Notice of December 18 2019 Meeting 12.18.19

273. Hearing Transcript - 11.21.19

274. Receiver's Memo in Support of Motion for Clarification of Order Entered November 16, 2018 12.30.19

275. Receiver's Motion for Clarification of Order Entered November 16, 2018 12.30.19

276. Attorney Hemmendinger's Joinder in Motion for Clarification of Order 1.3.20

277. Notice of Hearing - 12th Interim Report and 11th Request for Fees Rescheduled to 1.27.20

278. Hearing Transcript 1.9.20

279. Hearing Transcript 1.13.20

280. Reciever's Twelfth Interim Report 1.27.20

281. Notice of Hearing - 12th Interim Report & 11th Request for Fees Rescheduled to 1.29.20

282. Order - Clarifying Nov 16 2018 Order (entered) 1.9.20

283. Order - 12th Interim Report and 11th Interim Fees (entered) 1.29.20

284. Hearing Transcript - 1.29.20

285. Notice of February 3, 2020 Meeting

286. Notice of April 13, 2020 Meeting

287. Notice of Hearing - 13th Interim Report & 12th Request for Fees Rescheduled to 04.23.20

288. 13th Interim Report & 12th Request for Fees 04.23.20

289. Order - Granting Petition to Engage Accountants (Entered) 03.30.20

290. Notice of May 11, 2020 Meeting 03.30.20

291. Receiver's Ex Parte Petition to Hire Special Legal Counsel 04.01.20

292. Order - Ex Parte Petition to Engage Special Legal Counsel (Cohen)(entered) 04.02.20

293. Hearing Transcript (06.01.20)

294. Order - 13th Interim Report and 12th Interim Fees (entered) (07.23.20)

295. Notice of Hearing - 14th Interim Report and 13th Request for Fees 07.29.20

296. Notice of Continued Hearing - 14th Interim Report and 13th Request for Fees (07.29.20)

297. Notice of August 19 2020 Virtual Meeting (08.19.20)

298. Notice of Continued Hearing - 14th Interim Report and 13th Request for Fees (08.25.20)

299. 14th Report and Request for Fees (as filed) (08.25.20)

300. Transcript 08.25.2020

301. Notice of October 7 Virtual Meeting

302. Notice of Hearing - 15th Interim Report and 14th Request for Fees (09.29.20)

303. Notice of Hearing - Prospects Motion to Adjudge in Contempt (09.29.20)

304. Prospect Entities' Motion to Adjudge in Contempt and for an Award of Attorneys Fees (09.29.20)

305. Affidavit of SPS in Opposition Motion for Contempt 10.6.2020

306. Affidavit of Hemmendinger in Opposition to Contempt Motion 10.6.2020

307. Liquidating Receivers Objection to Prospects Motion to Adjudge in Contempt 10.6.2020

308. Plan Receivers Memo ISO Objection to Prospects Contempt Motion 10.6.2020

309. Plan Receivers Objection to Prospects Motion to Adjudge in Contempt 10.6.2020

310. Affidavit SFD in Opposition to Contempt Motion 10.7.2020

311. Notice of Hearing - 15th Interim Report and 14th Request for Fees (10.20.20)

312. Receiver's Fifteenth Interim Report & Fourteenth Request for Fees (10.20.20)

313. Hearing Transcript (10.20.20)

314. Green Equity's Motion to Extend Time to Respond to Discovery (10.28.2020)

315. Green Equity's Motion to Continue Oral Argument & Extend Time to File Reply Brief (10.28.2020)

316. Notice of Hearing - 16th Interim Report & 15th Request for Fees (12.08.2020)

317. 16th Interim Report and Request for Fees (12.08.2020)

318. Notice of December 14, 2020 Virtual Meeting (12.14.2020)

319. Order - 14th Interim Report and 13th Interim Fees (entered) (12.09.2020)

320. Order - 16th Interim Report and 15th Interim Fees (entered) (12.09.2020)

321. Hearing Transcript (12.09.20)

322. Stipulation & Consent Order (entered) (Prospect & Angell settlement) (01.03.21)

323. Notice of January 18, 2021 Virtual Meeting (01.18.21)

324. Notice of Hearing - 17th Interim Report and 16th Request for Fees (02.12.21)

325. Scheduling Order re Plan Receivers Petition for Settlement Instructions & Approval (02.01.2021)

326. Notice - Petition for Settlement Instructions (02.12.2021)

327. Receiver's 17th Interim Report & 16th Request for Approval of Fees (02.12.2021)

328. Hearing Transcript (02.12.21)

329.  Decision - Petition to Approve Prospect-Angell Settlement (03.04.21)

330.  Amended Decision (03.08.21)

331.  Notice of April 6, 2021 Virtual Meeting (04.06.21)

332. Notice of Hearing - 18th Interim Report and 17th Request for Fees (04.27.21)

333.  18th Interim Report and 17th Request for Fees (04.27.21)

334. Order Approving 18th Interim Report  17th Interim Request for Fees (Entered) (04.27.21)

335. Notice of May 17, 2021 Virtual Meeting (05.17.21)

336. Receiver's 19th Interim Report and 18th Interim Request for Fees

337.  Notice of Hearing - 19th Interim Report and 18th  Interim Request for Approval of Fees 

338. Notice of August 2, 2021 Virtual Meeting (07.20.2021)

339. Order Approving 19th Interim Report and 18th Interim Fees (Entered) (07.21.21)

340. Hearing Transcript (07.21.2021)

341. Affidavit of SFD to Release Funds from Registry

342. Order - Withdrawal from Court Registry (08.02.21)

343. Notice of Hearing - 20th Interim Report and 19th Request for Approval of Fees (09.28.21)

344.  Receiver's 20th Interim Report and 19th Request for Approval of Fees

345. Receiver's Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Beacon Mutual Insurance Company (09.28.21)

346. Receiver's Memo to Compel Beacon Mutual Insurance Company (09.28.21)

347. Hearing Transcript (09.28.21)

348. Notice of Hearing - 21st Interim Report and 20th Request for Fees (12.09.21)

349. Notice of October 27, 2021 Virtual Meeting

350. Diocesan Entities Opposition to Motion to Withdraw Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (11.10.2021)

351. Twenty-First Interim Report and Twentieth Interim Request for Approval of Fees (12.09.2021)

352. Hearing Transcript (12.09.2022)

353. Notice of January 10, 2022 Virtual Meeting

354. Notice of Hearing - 22nd Interim Report and 21st Request for Fees (February 17, 2022)

355. Order - 21st Interim Report and 20th Req for Fees (12.20.2021)

356. Notice of Hearing - Joint Petition for Approval of Settlement with Beacon & DLT (02.11.2022)

357. Hearing Transcript (02.11.2022)

358. Joint Petition for Approval of Beacon-DLT Settlement (02.11.2022)

359. Notice of Hearing - 22nd Interim Report and 21st Request for Fees (rescheduled to 03.01.22) (02.17.2022)

360. Notice of March 9 2022 Virtual Meeting (03.07.2022)

361. 22nd Report and 21st Request for Fees (03.01.2022)

362. Order - Joint Petition for Approval of Beacon-DLT Settlement (entered) (02.14.2022)

363. Hearing Transcript (03.01.2022)

364. Notice of Hearing - 23rd Interim Report and 22nd Request for Fees

365. Notice of May 16, 2022 Virtual Meeting (03.31.2022)

366. Petition to Approve & Pay Fees to Special Counsel (05.25.2022)

367. Notice of Hearing - Petition to Approve & Pay Fees to Special Counsel (05.26.2022)

368. Receiver's 23rd Interim Report and 22nd Interim Request for Approval of Fees (05.31.22)

369. Order Approving 22nd Interim Report & 21st Interim Request for Fees, Costs and Expenses (06.21.22)

370. Order - 23rd Interim Report and 22nd Interim Fees (entered) (07.05.22)

371. Order - Approving Special Counsels Fees (entered) (07.05.22)

372. Notice of Hearing - 24th Interim Report and 23rd Request for Fees (07.13.22)

373. Twenty-Fourth Interim Report 23rd Request for Approval of Fees (09.06.22)

374. Notice of Sept 22, 2022 Virtual Meeting (09.15.22)

375. Order - 24th Interim Report and 23rd Interim Fees (Entered) (09.26.22)

376. Notice of September 13, 2022 Virtual Meeting (09.26.22)

377. Joint Petition to Appoint Plan Receiver as Liquidating Receiver (11.18.22)

378. Notice of Hearing - Joint Petition to Appoint Plan Receiver as Liquidating Receiver (11.22.22)

379. Notice of Hearing - 25th Interim Report and 24th Request for Fees (11.22.22)

380. 25th Interim Report and 24th Request for Fees (12.05.22)

381. Order - Permanent Liquidating Receiver (entered)(12.20.22)

382. Order - 25th Interim Report and 24th Interim Fees (entered)(12.20.22)

383. Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.10.23)

384. Notice of Hearing - Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.10.23)

385. Motion to Enforce Subpoena on Repwest Insurance Co (01.19.23)

386. Notice of Hearing - 26th Interim Report and 25th Request for Fees (01.23.23)

387.  AG's Response to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.27.23)

388. BoA's Opposition to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (02.09.23)

389. Receiver's Reply to AG's Response to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (02.13.23)

390. Receiver's Reply to BoA's Opposition to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (02.14.23)

391. Affidavit of J. Kasle (02.15.23)

392. Declaration of A. Violet (02.15.23)

393. Declaration of C. Callaci (02.17.23)

394. Notice of March 23, 2023 Virtual Meeting (02.27.23)

395. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - 26th Interim Report and 25th Request for Fees (03.06.23)

396. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - 26th Interim Report and 25th Request for Fees (03.20.23)

397. Subpoena - Prospect Chartercare LLC (with return of service) (03.20.23)

398. Order - Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (03.21.23)

399. 26th Report and 25th Request for Fees (03.27.23)

400. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing 26th Interim Report and 25th Request for Fees (04.03.23)

401. Receiver - 26th Report Supplement (04.20.23)

402. Order - 26th Interim Report and 25th Interim Fees (entered) (05.04.23)

403. Notice of Hearing - 27th Interim Report and 26th Request for Fees (05.12.23)

404. Notice of Hearing - 27th Interim Report and 26th Request for Fees (as filed) (06.05.23)

405. Notice of June 26, 2023 Virtual Meeting (06.05.23)

406. Receiver's 27th Interim Report and 26th Request for Approval of Fees (07.06.23)

407. Notice of September 14, 2023 Virtual Meeting (08.24.23)

408. Notice of Hearing - Petition for Settlement Instructions (08.30.23)

409. Notice of Hearing - 28th Interim Report and 27th Request for Fees (09.11.23)

410. Receiver's 28th Interim Report & 27th Interim Request for Approval of Fees (09.20.23)

411. Receiver's Petition for Settlement Instructions and Approval (09.22.2023)

412. Order - 28th Interim Report & 27th Interim Fees (entered) (10.18.23)

413. Order - Pet for Settlement Approval - Diocesan settlement (entered) (10.18.23)

414. Notice of Hearing - 29th Interim Report and 28th Request for Fees (11.13.23)

415. Notice of December 18, 2023 Virtual Meeting (11.20.23)

416. Receiver's 29th Interim Report and 28th Interim Request for Approval of Fees, Costs and Expenses (11.28.23)

417. Order - 29th Interim Report and 28th Interim Fees (entered) (12.13.23)

418. Notice of Hearing - 30th Interim Report and 29th Request for Fees (02.01.24)

419. Receiver's Thirtieth Interim Report & Twenty-Ninth Request for Fees (03.12.24)

420. BoA's Petition for Instructions (03.29.2024)

421. Receiver's Response to BOA's Pet for Instructions (Iavazzo Trust) (04.18.24)

422. Notice of Hearing - 31st Interim Report and 30th Request for Fees (05.02.24)

423. Notice of May 20, 2024 Virtual Meeting (05.02.24)

424. Order - Petition for Instructions RE Lavazzo Trust (entered) (05.21.24)

425. Receiver's 31st Interim Report and 30th Interim Request for Approval of Fees (06.11.24)

426. Notice of August 13, 2024 Virtual Meeting (08.05.24)

427. Notice RE Misinformation Recently Reported in the Media (08.08.24)

428. Receiver's Thirty-Second Interim Report and Thirty-First Request for Approval of Fees (09.17.24)

429. Notice of Hearing - 32nd Interim Report and 31st Request for Fees (09.17.24)

430. Notice of Hearing - 33rd Interim Report and 32nd Request for Fees (10.01.24)

431. Order - 31st Interim Report and 30th Interim Fees (09.30.24)

432. Receiver's Thirty-Third Interim Report and Thirty-Second Request for Approval of Fees (10.23.24)

433. Notice of Hearing - 34th Interim Report and 33rd Request for Fees (11.19.24)

434. Notice of December 3, 2024 Virtual Meeting (11.21.24)

435. Receiver's 34th Interim Report and 33rd Request for Approval of Fees (12.05.24)

436. Notice of Hearing - Petition for Instructions RE: PBGC Agreement (12.06.24)

437. Receiver's Petition for Instructions re Entry Into Agreement with PBGC (12.09.24)

Stephen Del Sesto, as Receiver and Administrator of the St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island Retirement Plan, et al. v. Prospect CharterCare, LLC, et al.

(Case No.: 1:18-cv-00328-WES-LDA)

filed documents associated with matter:

1.  USDC-RI Class Action Complaint 06.18.18

2. Acknowledgement of Service (CharterCare Foundation) 06.21.18

3. Acknowledgement of Service (RCB, Diocese) 06.21.18

4. Acknowledgement of Service (RI Community Foundation) 06.25.18

5. Acknowledgement of Service (SJHSRI, CCCB & RWH) 06.25.18

6. Acknowledgement of Service (Prospect Medical Holdings & Prospect East) 06.29.18

7. Acknowledgement of Service (PCC, PCCSJHSRI, PCCRWMC) 06.28.18

8. Summons with Return of Service - Angell Pension Group 06.19.18

9. Stipulation (08.14.18 deadline to respond to Complaint) 07.06.18

10. Stipulation (document production in response to Subpoenas) 07.23.18

11. RI Foundation's Consent Motion to Extend Time to Answer Complaint 08.10.18

12. Joint Motion to Stay Deadline to Answer or Respond to Complaint Pending Judicial Approval of Proposed Settlement 09.05.18

13. Angell Pension Group's Motion to Dismiss with Supporting Memorandum 09.14.18

14. Angell Pension Group's Request for Judicial Notice Pursuant to Federal Rule of Evidence 09.14.18

15. Prospect Entities' Motion to Dismiss with Supporting Memorandum 09.17.18

16. CharterCare Foundation's Motion to Dismiss 09.17.18

17. CharterCare Foundation's Memorandum in Support of Motion to Dismiss 09.17.18

18. Roman Catholic Bishop & Diocesean Entities' Motion to Dismiss with Supporting Memorandum 09.17.18

19. First Amended Complaint 10.05.18

20. Consent Motion of RI Foundation to Extend Time to Answer Complaint 10.09.18

21. Joint Motion for Approval of Stipulation Establishing Deadlines Regarding Responses to the Plaintiffs' First Amended Complaint 10.19.18

22. Joint Motion for Settlement Class Certification, Appointment of Counsel, Preliminary Settlement Approval 11.21.18

23. Motion for Attorneys' Fees with Supporting Memo 11.21.18

24. Declaration of M. Wistow in Support of Joint Motion for Settlement Approval 11.21.18

25. Joint Motion (CCF) to Stay Deadline to Respond to Complaint Pending Approval 11.30.18

26. Angell Pension Group's Motion to Dismiss & Memo in Support 12.04.18

27. Diocesan Entities' Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint and Supporting Memorandum 12.04.18

28. Stipulation Setting Briefing Schedule on Motions for Settlement Approval 12.05.18

29. Prospect Entities' Motion to Dismiss with Memo in Support 12.04.18

30. Diocesan Entities' Rule 5.1 Notice of Constitutional Challenge of RI Statute 12.21.18

31. Diocesan Entities' Response in Opposition to Motion for Settlement Approval and Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees 12.21.18

32. Prospect Entities' Response in Opposition to Motion for Settlement Approval of St. Joseph Health Services of RI, Roger Williams Hospital, and CharterCare Community Board (ECF No.63) 12.24.18

33. Joint Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (CCF) with Supporting Memo 01.04.19

34. Motion for Attorneys' Fees (CCF Settlement) with Supporting Memo 01.04.19

35. Supplemental Declaration of M. Wistow in Support of Joint Motion for Settlement 01.04.19

36. Diocesan Entities' Response in Opposition to Motion for CCF Settlement Approval 01.18.19

37. Prospect Entities' Response in Opposition to Motion for CCF Settlement Approval 01.18.19

38. Reply to Diocesan Entities' Opposition to Motion for (SJHSRI, RWH, CCCB) Settlement Approval 01.21.19

39. Reply to Prospect Entities' Opposition to Motion for (SJHSRI, RWH, CCCB) Settlement Approval 01.21.19

40. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Reply to Diocesan Dfdts' Opposition to Motions for Settlement 01.22.19

41. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Reply to Prospect Entities' Opposition 01.22.19

42. Notice of Hearing - Motion for Settlement Approval (SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB)

43. CCF's Reply Brief in Support of Motion for Settlement Approval 01.25.19

44. Prospect Entities' Motion for Leave to File Sur-Reply to Plaintiff's Reply to Opposition re Motion for Settlement Approval 01.25.19

45. Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion to File a Sur-Reply 01.28.19

46. Reply to Prospect Entities' Objection to Motion for (CCF) Settlement Approval 01.25.19

47. Reply to Diocesan Entities' Objection to Motion for (CCF) Settlement Approval 01.25.19

48. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Reply to Diocesan Dfdts' Objection to Motion for Settlement Approval 01.29.19

49. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Reply to Prospect Entities' Objection to Motion for Settlement Approval 01.29.19

50. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Objection to Prospect's Motion to File Sur-Reply 01.29.19

51. Notice of Rescheduled Hearing - Motion for Settlement Approval (SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB)

52. Objection to Diocesan Entities' Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint with Memo in Support 02.04.19

53. Objection to Angell Pension Group's Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint with Memo in Support 02.04.19

54. Objection to Angell Pension Group's Request for Judicial Notice 02.04.19

55. Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint with Memo in Support 02.04.19

56. Plaintiffs' Omnibus Memorandum in Support of Objections to Defendants' Motions to Dismiss 02.04.19

57. Prospect Entities' Sur-Reply to Plaintiffs' Memo in Reply to Objections to Motion for Settlement Approval 02.05.19

58. Prospect Entities' Motion for Leave to Propound Limited Discovery Related to CCCB Settlement 02.18.19

59. AG's Notice re Diocesan Defendants' Notice Challenging RIGL 23-17.14-35 02.21.19

60. Joint Motion to Set Briefing Schedule 02.26.19

61. Notice of Proposed Orders 02.26.19

62. Plaintiffs' & CCCB, SJHSRI and RWH's Post-Hearing Memorandum 02.26.19

63. Angell's Reply to Objection to Request for Judicial Notice 03.04.19

64. Angell's Reply to Objection to Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint 03.04.19

65. Plaintiffs' Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion for Leave to Propound Limited Discovery 03.04.19

66. Diocesan Entities' Reply in Further Support of Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint 03.04.19

67. Prospect Entities' Reply to Opposition to Motion to Dismiss 03.04.19

68. Transcript - 02.12.19 Petition for Settlement Approval (Old Cos) 03.11.19

69. Diocesan Entities' Post-Hearing Brief Addressing Proposed Orders re Preliminary Settlement & Federal Receivership 03.12.19

70. Prospect Entities' Post-Hearing Memo in Opposition to Settlement Motion (Old Cos) 03.12.19

71. Angell's Statement Regarding Appointment of Federal Receiver 03.12.19

72. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Reply to Diocesan Entities' Post-Hearing Brief 03.26.19

73. Plaintiffs' Reply to Prospect Entities' Post-Hearing Memorandum 03.26.19

74. Plaintiffs' Reply to Diocesan Entities' Post-Hearing Memorandum 03.26.19

75. SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB Joinder to Pltf's Reply to Prospect Entities' Post-Hearing Memo 03.27.19

76. Memorandum and Order Granting Joint Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (CCF) 05.17.19

77. Notice of Hearing - Motion for Final Settlement Approval (CCF)

78. Class Notice (Settlement B) 05.23.19

79. Memorandum and Order Granting Joint Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (CCCB) 06.06.19

80. Notice of Hearing - Motion for Final Settlement Approval (CCCB)

81. Stipulation Establishing Schedule for Supplemental Briefing on Motions to Dismiss 06.07.19

82. Diocesan Entities' Supplemental Brief in Support of Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint 06.14.19

83. Joint Supplemental Memo of Prospect Entities and Angell Pension Group to Motions to Dismiss 06.14.19

84. Objection to Settlement of L. Corvese (Plan participant) 06.14.19

85. Notice to Take Deposition - S. Del Sesto 06.25.19

86. Subpoena to Testify at a Deposition - R. Land

87. Notice to Take Deposition - Chartercare Community Board 06.25.19

88. Class Notice (Settlement A) 07.01.19

89. Declaration of R. Fine Regarding Notice of Proposed Settlement on Behalf of CCCB 07.02.19

90. Plaintiffs' Reply to Supp Memo Submitted by Prospect and Angell to Support Motion to Dismiss 07.08.19

91. Plaintiffs' Reply to Supp Memo Submitted by Diocesan Entities to Support Motion to Dismiss 07.08.19

92. Notice of Hearing on September 10, 2019 - Motions to Dismiss

93. Declaration of A. Dennington Regarding Notice of Proposed Settlement on Behalf of CCF 08.14.19

94. Diocesan Entities' Opposition to Final Settlement Approval and Motion for Attorneys' Fees (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

95. CCF's Supplemental Memo in Further Support of Final Settlement Approval 08.15.19

96. Prospect Entities' Opposition to Final Settlement Approval (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

97. Declaration of C. Callaci in Support of Final Settlement Approvals 08.15.19

98. Plaintiffs' Counsel's Final Approval Memo in Support of Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

99. Plaintiffs' Memo in Support of Final Settlement Approval (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19 

100. Second Supplemental Declaration of M. Wistow in Support of Final Settlement Approvals and Fee Applications (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

101. Declaration of S. Del Sesto in Support of Final Settlement Approvals and Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

102. Declaration of J. Kasle in Support of Final Settlement Approvals (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

103. Affadavit of A. Violet in Support of Final Settlement Approvals (CCF Settlement) 08.15.19

104. Diocesan Entities' Opposition to Final Settlement Approval (CCCB Settlement) 08.27.19

105. Prospect Entities' Objection to Final Settlement Approval (CCCB Settlement) 08.27.19

106. CCCB, SJHSRI & RWIH's Response to Prospect Entities' Objection to Final Settlement Approval (CCCB Settlement) 09.03.19

107. Plaintiff's Reply Memorandum in Support of Final Settlement Approval (CCCB Settlement) 09.03.19

108. Plaintiff's Counsel's Final Approval Memorandum in Support of Motion for Award of Attorneys' Fees (CCCB Settlement) 09.03.19

109.  Del Sesto Second Declaration re WSL Attys Fees and Settlement Approvals (CCCB Settlement) 09.03.19

110. Order Appointing Special Master 09.05.19

111. Proposed Compensation and Budget of the Special Master 09.16.19

112. Hearing Transcript – Hearing on Final Settlement Approval (CCF Settlement) 08.29.19

113. Declaration of S. Sheehan in Connection with Referral of WSL's Fee Applications to Special Master 9.27.19

114. Memorandum of Decision (final approval of CCF settlement) 9.30.19

115. Plaintiffs' Notice of Proposed Order 10.08.19

116. Memorandum and Order (final approval of SJHSRI, RWH & CCCB settlement) 10.09.19

117. Special Master's Report and Recommendation on Award of Attorneys' Fees 10.15.19

118. Stipulation and Proposed Order Concerning Limited Discovery Summary Judgment Motions 10.22.2019

119. Order on Motion for Attorney Fees 10.24.19

120. Text Order regarding Limited Discovery and Summary Judgment Motions 10.29.19

121. Plaintiffs' Statement of Undisputed Material Facts 12.17.19

122. Plaintiffs' Motion for Summary Judgment on Count IV of the Complaint 12.17.19

123. Stipulation and Consent Order Concerning Limited Discovery and SJ Motions 01.08.20

124. Notice of Dismissal as to CharterCare Foundation and RI Community Foundation Only 01.28.20

125. Stipulation Between Plaintiffs and Angell Pension 03.02.20

126. Stipulation and Consent Order Concerning Limited Discovery and SJ Motions 03.18.20

127. Plaintiffs' Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion to Extend 04.27.20

128. Prospect Entities' Reply in Support of Motion to Extend 05.02.20

129. Order Concerning Limited Discovery and SJ Motions - Fourth Order (entered) 05.14.20

130. Diocesan Entities' Response and Reservation of Rights re MSJ 06.26.20

131. Prospect Entities' Memo in Support of Objection to MSJ & Cross Motion for SJ (w-o exhibits) 06.26.20

132. Prospect Entities' Memo in Support of Objection to MSJ & Cross Motion for SJ on Count IV 06.26.20

133. Prospect Entities' Objection to MSJ & Cross Motion for SJ on Count IV 06.26.20

134. Prospect Entities' Objection to MSJ & Cross Motion for SJ 06.26.20

135. Prospect Entities' Response to Pltf's Statement of Undisputed Material Facts 06.26.20

136. Prospect Entities' Statement of Undisputed Material Facts (w-o exhibits) 06.26.20

137. Prospect Entities' Amended Statement of Disputed Facts (07.02.20)

138. Text Order re Fifth Stip re Limited Discovery and Summary Judgment Motions 07.14.20

139. Order Concerning Limited Discovery and SJ Motions - Fifth Order 07.14.20

140.  Pltfs' Reply to Prospect Entities' Opposition to MSJ on Count IV 09.01.20

141. Pltfs' Response to Prospect Entities' Stmt of Undisputed Facts 09.01.20

142. Stipulation & Order Concerning Briefing on Prospect's Cross MSJ 10.26.20

143. Diocesan Entities' Statement of Undisputed Facts in Reponse to Prospect's Statement of Undisputed Facts (11.20.2020)

144. Diocesan Entities' Response to Prospect's Cross-Motion for SJ (11.20.20)

145. Plaintiffs' Supplemental Response to Prospect Entities' Statement of Undisputed Material Facts (11.23.2020)

146. Plaintiffs' Memo of Law in Oppostion to Prospect Entities' Cross Motion for Summary Judgment on Count IV of the First Amended Complaint (11.23.2020)

147. Prospect Entities_ Reply to Pltfs_ Opposition to MSJ Count IV (12.08.2020)

148. Diocesan Entities' Response to Pltfs' Response to Prospect's Cross MSJ (12.08.2020)

149.  Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Judicial Approval of Settlement (1.28.2021)

150.  Plaintiffs Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (03.11.21)

151.  Diocesan Entities' Limited Opposition to Motion to Approve Settlement (Angell-Prospect) (03.25.21)

152.  Order - Approving Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (03.26.21)

153.  Pltfs_ Motion for Attorneys_ Fees in Connection with Prospect-Angell Settlement (04.09.21)

154.  Supplemental Declaration of S. Sheehan (04.09.21)

155. Notice of Filing - WSL Motion for Attorneys' Fees (04.09.21)

156. Notice of Hearing - Motion for Final Settlement Approval (Prospect-Angell) (07.20.21)

157. Class Notice Prospect-Angell Settlement (07.20.21)

158. Declaration of Preston Halperin re Notice of Proposed Settlement (06.23.2021)

159. Diocesan Entities Response in Limited Opposition to Final Settlement Approval (06.25.2021)

160. Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Support of Final Approval (07.19.2021)

161. Order Granting Final Settlement Approval (Prospect-Angell) (07.29.2021)

162. Hearing Transcript - July 20, 2021

163. Stipulation of Dismissal (Prospect Angell) (08.24.2021)

164. Diocesan Entities' Notice of Assent to Relief (08.31.2021)

165. Diocesan Entities' Memo Regarding Plaintiff's Motion for Summary Judgment (08.31.2021)

166. Plaintiffs' Memo Concerning Mootness of Motions for Summary Judgment (08.31.2021)

167. Plaintiffs' Reply Concerning Mootness of Pending Motions for Summary Judgment (09.03.2021)

168. Diocesan Entities' Reply to Plantiffs' Memo re Pending Motion for Summary Judgment (09.07.2021)

169. Stipulation re Extension of Time for Diocesan Defendants to Respond to Motion to Withdraw MSJ (10.25.2021)

170. Stipulation for Extension of Time to Reply to Diocesan Defendants’ Response to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Withdraw Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (11.06.2021)

171. Stipulation for Extension of Time to Reply to Diocesan Defendants’ Response to Plaintiffs’ Motion to Withdraw Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (11.29.2021)

172. Plaintiffs’ Reply Memorandum in Support of their Motion to Withdraw Motion for Partial Summary Judgment (12.07.2021)

173. Joint Motion for an Extension of Time Extending Briefing Deadlines (01.19.2022)

174. Stipulation Extending Briefing Schedule (02.01.2022)

175. Joint Motion for Extension of Time Extending Briefing Deadlines (02.04.2022)

176. Stipulation and Order for Extension of Briefing Schedules (entered) (02.08.2022)

177. Diocesan Entities Motion for Summary Judgment on Court IV (02.11.2022)

178. Diocesan Entities' Statement of Undisputed Facts (02.11.2022)

179. Diocesan Entities' Renewed Motion to Dismiss First Amended Complaint (02.11.2022)

180. Stipulation and Order for Extension of Briefing Schedules (03.24.2022)

181. Joint Motion for Extension of Time Extending Briefing Deadlines (04.07.2022)

182. Withdrawal of Proof of Claim - Angell Pension Group (04.08.2022)

183. Stipulation and Order for Extension of Briefing Schedules (entered) (04.11.2022)

184. Plaintiffs' Response to Diocesan Defendants' Statement of Undisputed Facts (04.18.2022)

185. Plaintiffs' Memo in Opposition to Diocesan Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgement on Count IV of the First Amended Complaint (04.18.2022)

186. Plaintiffs' Conditional Rule 56(d) Motion to Defer or Deny Diocesan Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment Pending Discovery Memo in Support (04.18.2022)

187. Plaintiffs' Memo in Opposition to Diocesan Defendants' Renewed Motion to Dismiss 1st Amended Complaint (04.18.2022)

188. Plaintiffs' Statement of Disputed and Undisputed Material Facts in Opposition to Diocesan Defendants' Motion for Summary Judgment (04.18.2022)

189.  Joint Motion for Extension of Time Extending Briefing Schedules (04.29.22)

190. Stipulation and Order for Extension of Briefing Schedules (05.02.2022)

191. Joint Motion for Extension of Time Extending Briefing Schedules (06.02.22)

192. Diocesan Defendants Response to Plaintiffs Statement of Undisputed and Disputed Material Facts - Judicial Estoppel (#251) (06.30.22)

193. Diocesan Defendants Response to Plaintiffs Statement of Undisputed Facts - Principal Purpose Organization Req (#252) (06.30.22)

194. Diocesan Defendants Further Reply in Support of Motion for SJ (06.30.22)

195. Diocesan Defendants Opposition to Motion for Discovery on Judicial Estoppel (06.30.22)

196. Diocesan Defendants Further Reply in Support of Motion to Dismiss Amended Complaint (07.05.22)

197. Joint Motion for an Order Extending Briefing Deadline 07.05.22 (07.06.22)

198. Activity in Case 1_18-cv-00328-WES Del Sesto et al v. Prospect CharterCARE, LLC et al Order on Motion for Extension of Time (07.14.22)

199. Plaintiffs Reply in Support of Rule 56 Motion to Defer or Deny Diocesan Defendants Motion for Summary Judgment (07.21.22)

200. St Joseph Memorandum & Order (09.14.22)

201. Stipulation and Consent Order Staying Action (proposed)(08.30.23)

202. Stipulation and Consent Order Staying Action (entered) (09.05.23)

203. Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval, et al (Diocesan settlement) (10.25.23)

204. Declarations in Support of Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval, et al with Diocesan Defendants (10.27.23)

205. WSL Motion for Attorneys' Fees in Connection with Diocesan Defendants Settlement (10.27.23)

206. Order - Approving Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval (11.16.23)

207. Motion for Preliminary Settlement Approval, et al (Diocesan Settlement) (with Exhibits)(11.20.23)

208. Notice of Filing - WSL Motion for Attorneys' Fees & final approval of settlement with Diocesan Defendants (11.20.23)

209. Class Notice Diocesan Defendants Settlement (11.20.23)

210. Declaration of H. Merten Regarding Notice of Proposed Settlement (02.15.24)

211. Plaintiffs' Memorandum in Support of Final Approval re Diocesan Settlement (02.22.24)

212. Text Order Granting Final Approval of Diocesan Settlement (03.18.24)

filed documents:

1.  State of Rhode Island Motion for Leave to Intervene in re: CharterCare Health Partners Foundation, Roger Williams Hospital and St. Joseph Health Services 06.18.18

2.  State of Rhode Island Memo in Support of Motion for Leave to Intervene in re: CharterCare Health Partners Foundation, Roger Williams Hospital and St. Joseph Health Services 06.18.18

3. Reply of Roger Williams Hospital and St. Joseph Health Services of Rhode Island to Motion to Intervene of the Receiver 06.27.18

4. CharterCare Foundation's Objection to Motion to Intervene, Request to Continue Hearing 06.27.18

5. Order Preserving Assets Pending Litigation and Setting Schedule for Hearing on Motion to Intervene 06.29.18

6. Hearing Transcript September 17, 2018

7. Response to Petition for Approval of Disposition of Charitable Assets; Petition to Vacate Order; Petition to Require Funds be Held

8. Hearing Transcript September 13, 2018

9. RI Foundation's Answer to 3rd Party Petition to Require Hold of Funds 09.18.18

10. CharterCare Foundation's Answer to Counter Petition & Response to Third Party Petition 10.05.18

11. Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Approval of Proposed Settlement 12.04.18

12. CharterCare Community Board's Expedited Motion to Compel Production 08.19.19

13. Prospect CharterCare's Objection to CharterCare Comunity Board's Expedited Motion to Compel 08.23.19

14. Stipulation and Consent Order (extension of time to exercise put option) (Entered) 10.02.19

15. Order - CCCB's Expedited Motion to Compel (Entered) 10.02.19

16. Joint Petition to Modify Cy Pres Order, Vacate Order and for Entry of Final Judgment 10.15.19

17. Statement of Respondents and Third Party Petitioners Regarding Paragraph 18 of Joint Petition 11.18.19

18. AG's Response to Joint Petition to Modify Cy Pres Order 11.21.19

19. Receiver's Statement Regarding Paragraph 18 of October 15, 2019 Joint Petition 11.18.19

20. Statement of CCF Regarding Paragraph 18 of Joint Petition 11.08.19

21. Stipulation and Consent Order (Extension of time to exercise put option) (Entered) 11.21.19

22. Order-Granting Joint Petition to Modify Cy Pres Order, Vacate Order & Entry of Final Judgment 11.25.19

23. Final Judgment 11.25.19

24. Petition for Judicial Dissolution and Liquidation of Assets and Affairs 12.13.19

25. Order Appointing Temporary Liquidating Receiver 12.18.19

26. Plan Receiver's & Liquidating Receiver's Motion to Compel Prospect 02.20.20

27. Plan Receiver's & Liquidating Receiver's Memo in Support of Motion to Compel Prospect 2.20.20

28. Prospect Entities' Objection to Motion to Compel 03.03.20

29. Prospect Entities' Objection to Motion for Injunction & Equitable Relief 03.03.20

30. Affidavit of P. Halperin in Support of Obj to Motion to Compel 03.03.20

31. Prospect Entities' Memo in Supp of Obj to Motions to Compel & Injunction 03.03.20

32. Verified First Amended and Supplemental Complaint 04.22.20

33. Prospect Entities' Answer to Amended Complaint 06.15.20

34. Lee, et al.'s Answer to First Amended Supplemental Complaint 06.15.20

35. Stipulation re Extension of Time for Ivy Holdings  to Respond to Amended Complaint 06.16.20

36. Receivers' Reply to Prospect's Memo in Supp of Obj to Motions to Compel & Injunction (06.18.20)

37. JP Morgan Chase's Memo in Support of Motion to Dismiss (07.02.20)

38. JP Morgan Chase's Motion to Dismiss (07.02.20)

39. Green Entities' Memo of Law ISO Motion to Dismiss (07.15.20)

40. Green Entities' Motion to Dismiss (07.15.20)

41. Stipulated Briefing Schedule re Chase's Motion to Dismiss (07.20.20)

42. Hearing Transcript (07.08.20)

43. Receivers' Objection to JP Morgan Chase's Motion to Dismiss (09.21.20)

44. Receivers' Memo of Law ISO Objection to JP Morgan Chase's Motion to Dismiss (09.21.20)

45. JPMorgan Chase's Reply Memo ISO Motion to Dismiss (09.14.20)

46. Receivers' Motion to Compel, for Sanctions and Extension of Time (10.16.20)

47.  Omnibus - Receivers' Motion to Compel, Sanctions & Extension (10.19.20)

48. Receivers' Memo ISO Motion to Compel, Sanctions and Extension of Time (10.16.20)

49. Receiver's Objection to Green Equity's Motion to Continue Oral Argument (11.9.2020)

50. Receiver's Response to Green Equity's Motion to Extend Discovery (11.9.2020)

51. Stipulation - extending time for JP Morgan to answer Complaint (11.12.2020)

52. CCCB's Response to Green Equity's Motion to Continue Oral Argument (11.12.2020)

53. CCCB's Response to Green Equity's Motion to Extend Time for Discovery Responses (11.12.2020)

54. Prospect's Objection to Receivers' Motion to Compel and Request for a Protective Order (11.13.2020)

55. Stipulation and Consent Order re Mtn to Compel & Extend Put Deadline (Entered) (revised) (11.18.2020)

56. Prospect Entities' Motion for Protective Order (11.27.2020)

57. Prospect Entities' Memo in Support of Motion for Protective Order (11.27.2020)

58. JPMorgan Chase's Answer to Verified First Amended and Supplemental Complaint (12.01.2020)

59. Receivers' Memo in Support of Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion for Protective Order (12.13.2020)

60. Receivers' Objection to Prospect Entities' Motion for Protective Order (12.13.2020)

61. Order Denying JPMorgan's Motion to Dismiss (Entered) (11.23.2020)

62. Prospect Entities' Reply to Objection to Motion for Protective Order (12.15.2020)

63. JP Morgan's Objections & Responses to Plan Receiver's First Request for Production (12.28.2020)

64. JP Morgan's Motion for Protective Order (12.28.2020)

65. Joint Motion to Stay Proceedings Pending Settlement Approvals (1.28.2021)

66. Stipulation of Dismissal - Prospect Angell (Entered)(8.20.2021)

filed documents:

1.  Petition for Judicial Dissolution and Liquidation of Assets and Affairs 12.13.19

2.  Order - Temporary Liquidating Receiver 12.18.19

3. Petition Engage Special Counsel 12.18.19

4. Order Amending Appointng Temporary Liquidating Receiver 12.24.19

5. Notice of Temporary Receiver 01.08.20

6. Order Granting Petition to Engage Special Counsel 01.09.20

7. Liquidating Receivership Notice 01.17.20

8. Order Appointing Permanent Liquidating Receiver 01.17.20

9. Petition to Modify Stay 01.24.20

10. Receiver's Notice to Creditors 01.27.20

11. Order - Petition to Modify Stay (entered) 02.10.20

12. Petition to Engage Accountants 03.10.20

13. Receiver's 1st Interim Report 05.06.20

14. Notice of Hearing - Receiver's 1st Report 05.06.20

15. Proof of Claim - Angell Pension Group 05.18.20

16. Proof of Claim - Prospect Entities 05.18.20

17. Proof of Claim - RI DEM 05.18.20

18. Proof of Claim - S. Del Sesto Receiver for SJHSRI Plan 5.18.20

19. Receivers' Memo ISO Mtn for Injunctive Relief 07.10.20

20. Receivers' Motion to Enjoin APS 07.10.20

21. Receivers' Supplemental Memo ISO Mtn for Injunctive Relief 07.27.20

22. APS' & Prospect's Memo ISO Objection to Mtn for Injunctive Relief 07.27.20

23. APS' & Prospect's Objection to Motion for Injunctive Relief 07.27.20

24. Receivers' 2nd Supp. Memo re Motion to Enjoin APS 07.28.20

25. Receivers' 3rd Supp. Memo re Motion to Enjoin APS 08.11.20

26. AP&S Supp Memo in Support of Objection to Motion to Enjoin 08.17.20

27. Hearing Transcript 05.22.20

28. Liquidating Receiver's Second Report and Request for Compensation 09.04.2020

29. Notice of Hearing on Liquidating Receiver's Second Report 09.04.2020

30. Liquidating Receiver and Plan Receiver's Fourth Supplement to their Memorandum of Law 09.11.2020

31. Notice of Virtual Meeting 10.07.20

32. APS and Prospect Medical's Second Supplemental Memo in Support of Obj to Motion for Injunctive Relief 09.23.20

33. Receivers' Post Hearing Memo in Support of Motion for Injunctive Relief 09.23.20

34. Receivers Post Hearing Memo in Response to APS Reply 09.28.20

35. Decision - Motion to Enjoin 10.19.20

36. Order Denying Motion for Injunctive Relief (10.23.2020)

37. Order Granting Liquidating Receiver's Ex Parte Req to File Petition for Certiorari (10.26.2020)

38. Notice of Hearing - 3rd Interim Report (11.06.2020)

39. Order - Petition for Instructions re Independent Counsel for Directors (proposed) (11.06.2020)

40. Order - Receiver's 3rd Interim Report (proposed) (11.06.2020)

41. Receiver's 3rd Interim Report & Request for Fees (11.06.2020)

42. Receiver's Petition for Instructions re Independent Counsel for Directors (11.06.2020)

43. Order Approving Receiver's 15th Interim Report (10.22.2020)

44. Order Accepting and Approving Liq Receiver's Third Report and Request for Interim Compensation (Entered) (11.30.2020)

45. Receivers Memo ISO Motion for Reconsideration (12.22.2020)

46. Receivers Motion for Reconsideration (12.22.2020)

47. Scheduling Order re Liquidating Receivers Petition for Instructions re Settlement (02.01.2021)

48. Certificate of Service re Scheduling Orders (02.01.2021)

49. Notice of Hearing - Liquidating Receivers Petition for Instructions re Prospect-Angell Settlement (02.01.2021)

50. Notice of Hearing - Fourth Interim Report (02.12.2021)

51. Deposition Notice to Beacon Mutual 30(b)(6) (08.06.2021)

52. Beacon Mutual's Objection to Subpoena (09.03.2021)

53. Prospect Entities' Withdrawal of Proof of Claim (09.30.2021)

54. Subpoena - BMIC Insurance Corporation (09.21.2021)

55. Subpoena - Sedgwick Claims Management (09.21.2021)

56. Notice of Hearing - Fifth Interim Report (09.22.2021)

57. Liquidating Receiver's Fifth Report and Request for Interim Compensation (09.22.2021)

58. Order - Receiver's Fifth Interim Report (entered) (10.07.2021)

59.  Affidavit of Patricia Antonelli Esq. (10.18.2021)

60. Beacon Mutuals Opposition to Liquidating Receiver and Plan Receivers Motion to Enforce Subpoena (10.18.2021)

61. Affidavit - Amy Vitale (10.18.2021)

62. Receivers' Memo in Reply to Beacon's Opposition to Motion to Enforce Subpoena (10.26.2021)

63. Notice of Hearing - 6th Report and Request for Fees (12.06.2021)

64. Receivers 6th Report and Request for Fees (12.06.2021)

65. Order - Receiver's Sixth Interim Report (entered) (12.16.2021)

66. Petition to Apply Trust Income to Pension Plan with Exhibits (as filed) (02.27.2022)

67. Order - Joint Petition for Approval of Beacon-DLT Settlement (entered) (02.14.2022)

68. Receivers 7th Interim Report and Request for Fees (03.07.2022)

69. Notice of Hearing - 7th Interim Report (03.07.2022)

70. Notice of Hearing - Petition to Apply Trust Income to Pension Plan (03.22.2022)

71. Liquidating Receivers Response to Petition to Apply Trust Income to Pension Plan (03.22.2022)

72. Order - Petition to Apply Trust Income to Plan (entered) 04.07.2022

73. Order - Receiver's Seventh Interim Report (entered) (05.23.2022)

74. Joint Petition to Appoint Plan Receiver as Liquidating Receiver (11.18.22)

75. Order - Permanent Liquidating Receiver (entered)(12.20.22)

76. Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.10.23)

77. Notice of Hearing - Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.10.23)

78. AG's Response to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (01.27.23)

79. Receiver's Reply to AG's Response to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (02.13.23)

80. Receiver's Reply to BoA's Opposition to Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (02.14.23)

81.  Affidavit of J. Kasle (02.15.23)

82. Declaration of A. Violet (02.15.23)

83. Declaration of C. Callaci (02.17.23)

84.  Order - Petition to Partially Distribute Corpora of Certain Trusts (03.21.23)

85. Final Report and Accounting CharterCARE with exhibit (03.27.23)

86. Order - Pet for Settlement Approval - Diocesan settlement (entered) (10.18.23)

87. Notice of Hearing - 1st Interim Report and Request for Fees (11.13.23)

88. Successor Liquidating Receiver’s First Interim Report (11.29.23)

89. BOFA Motion to Clarify (12.04.23)

90. Order - 1st Interim Report and Request for Fees (entered) (12.13.23)

91. Order - Petition for Instructions RE Lavazzo Trust (entered) (05.21.24)

92. Notice of Hearing - 2nd Interim Report and Request for Fees (09.17.24)

93. Successor Liquidating Receiver's Second Interim Report and Accounting and Request for Approval of Fees (09.17.24)

94. Notice of Hearing - 3rd Interim Report and Request for Fees (10.01.24)

95. Order - 2nd Interim Report and Request for Fees (09.30.24)

96. Third Interim Report, Accounting and Request for Approval of Fees (10.29.24)

97.  Notice of Hearing - 4th Interim Report and Request for Fees (11.19.24)

98. Successor Liquidating Receiver's Fourth Interim Report and Request for Approval of Fees (12.10.24)