Conference Materials - Natural Gas: Continued Growth in Maine?
On Thursday, October 9th, Pierce Atwood and Verrill Dana co-hosted Natural Gas: Continued Growth in Maine? Over 20 presenters joined four panels to provide a diverse look at the natural gas industry in Maine. Jeff Wright, Director of FERC's Office of Energy Projects addressed the audience as the keynote speaker and Maine PUC Chair Tom Welch joined the seminar as the luncheon speaker.
Conference Materials
Agenda, List of Speakers, and Speaker Bios
Keynote Speaker: Jeff Wright, Director, FERC Office of Energy Projects
Panel #1 - Supply/Pipeline/Reducing the Basis Differential
Panel #2 - Gas Fired Generation of Electricity
Panel #3 - LDCs/The Challenge of Retail Conversions from Oil to Natural Gas
Panel #4 - Commerial and Industrial Usage